Register Tutor
Collaboration with WUAMS
In a few simple steps you have placed your course(s) online for passive income. We have the right experience in converting educational content to online format and support our educators every step of the way. With an authorized relationship manager, you will learn how to use our online community to make it a smooth, seamless and successful union. The WUAMS is committed to developing strategies with each trainer to present your offer over the entire world, ultimately increasing efficiency, visibility and profitability in our community.
Overview of Tutors
The Tutor Program is designed for individual educators who want to network, build relationships, promote their offerings and connect with a specialized online community.
We enable you to reach the entire world through our online platform. Tutors can use our modern platform to host their existing training content.

Benefits Tutors
- 24/7 access to the learning management system
- Build passive income
- Certificate of cooperation
- Get as much as 60% of the profit for all your courses
- You can blog for free under which your name is mentioned.
- Get a 10% discount on all courses (you will receive a special coupon code).
- You may use the WUAMS logo after uploading your first official course.
- Claim the eBook (Steps to a Successful Aesthetic Business) after uploading your first official course.
Requirements for Tutors
- You have a proof of registration as a physician in your own country and you can demonstrate this.
- You are an aesthetic doctor, cosmetic doctor, plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon, dermatologist or aesthetic nurse.
- You have 2+ years of work experience as a specialist.
- You have some knowledge of editing videos (or you leave this to the WUAMS team, but there are costs involved

Step 1
Sign up by clicking the button on the right and filling in your details. This will create your profile.
Step 2
Send a message to with your registration number and the country you work in. If applicable, we will ask you for additional information. We manually check your registration. After approval, we will send you an e-mail with confirmation. After this you can upload your courses.
Step 3
After uploading your course, you provide a price indication for your course via for each course you upload. We check whether the content, video duration and quality meet the price you have specified. Click here for the requirements of your content. Does the quality of the course not meet the requirements? We will send you free one-time advice(s) to edit your course. Everything is in consultation. After approval, your courses will go online!
The first course has a duration of 30 minutes max. This will be used as an advertisement for your subsequent courses. This must also meet the requirements. You will not be reimbursed for the first course. Non-members can also view these videos. It serves as a trailer.
Step 4
Relax and leave the work to us. You are now earning passive income! You can check the content requirements here.